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Breaking the Cycle To Drive Breakthrough Insights

How to Upgrade Your Consumer Insights Community

Finch Brands’ Advanced Market Research Offering Makes It Easy

Are you looking for a way to get more out of your insights community? Do you want to engage your consumers more effectively, gain deeper insights, and drive more impact for your brand? If so, you are not alone.

Insights communities are one of the most powerful market research tools available today. They allow you to connect with your consumers on an ongoing basis, and get their feedback, opinions, and preferences on various topics and issues. Insights communities can help you understand your consumers better, improve your products and services, and create more loyal and satisfied customers.

However, not all insights communities are created equal. We discussed in the 10 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Insights Community previously that many brands are stuck with outdated and ineffective insights community providers that limit their potential and frustrate their users. Some of the common challenges that brands face with their current insights community providers are:

  • Low participation rates: Many consumers lose interest and motivation to participate in insights community activities over time, resulting in low response rates and poor data quality.
  • Old-fashioned technology: Many insights community offerings use outdated technology that is slow, unreliable, and incompatible with modern devices and browsers.
  • Poor user experience: Many insights community platforms have a dull and boring user interface that does not appeal to consumers or encourage them to engage more.
  • Limited capabilities: Many insights community platforms have a narrow range of features and functionalities that restrict the types and quality of insights that can be generated.
  • Lack of support: Many insights community providers offer little or no support to their clients, leaving them to figure out how to use their platform, manage their community, and analyze their data all on their own.

If you are facing any of these problems with your current insights community provider, you are missing out on a huge opportunity to leverage your insights community to its full potential. You need a better solution that can help you overcome these limitations and unlock the power of your insights community.

That’s where Finch Brands comes in.

Next Generation Insights Communities


The Opportunity: How An Advanced Market Research Platform Can Help You

Finch Brands is a branding and insights agency that specializes in creating and managing advanced insights communities for brands. We have developed our FinchSight®️ offering to help you get the most out of your insights community.

Our FinchSight®️ online market research offering is more than just a tool for collecting data. It is a comprehensive solution that can help you:


  • Engage your consumers more effectively: We use gamification techniques to make insights community activities more fun and rewarding for your consumers. We also use socialization features to foster a sense of community and interaction among your consumers. These features can help you increase participation rates, retention rates, and satisfaction rates among your consumers.
  • Gain deeper insights: FinchSight®️ uses advanced analytics tools to help you analyze your data and generate meaningful insights. We also use customization features to help you tailor your insights community activities to your specific needs and objectives. These features can help you gain deeper insights into your consumers’ behaviors, attitudes, preferences, and opinions.
  • Drive more impact: We use integration features to help you connect your data and insights with other systems and platforms. We also use socialization features to help you share your insights with other stakeholders within your organization. These features can help you drive more impact from your insights by turning them into action and innovation.

Don’t just take our word for it. See for yourself how our platform has helped some of our clients achieve breakthrough results with their insights communities:

  • One of our clients, a leading consumer electronics brand, used our FinchSight®️ offering to launch a new product line in a highly competitive market. They used our platform to test their product concepts, features, pricing, packaging, and messaging with their target consumers. They also used our platform to monitor consumer feedback and sentiment after the product launch. As a result, they were able to launch a successful product line that exceeded their sales expectations and gained positive reviews from consumers.
  • Another one of our clients, a leading fashion retailer, used FinchSight®️ to improve their customer loyalty program. In conjunction with our team of experts, FinchSight®️helped them to understand their customers’ needs, preferences, and motivations for joining and staying in their loyalty program. They were also able to test different loyalty program offers, rewards, and communications with their customers. As a result, they were able to improve their customer loyalty program by increasing customer retention rates, satisfaction rates, and spending rates.
  • Yet another one of our clients, a leading food and beverage brand, FinchSight®️ to innovate their product portfolio. They used FinchSight®️ to identify new consumer trends, needs, and opportunities in the food and beverage market. In addition they were able to co-create new product ideas, flavors, names, and designs with their consumers. As a result, they were able to innovate their product portfolio by launching new products that met consumer demand and differentiated them from competitors.

These are just some of the examples of how FinchSight®️ can help you achieve breakthrough results with your insights community. Hear what some of our clients have to say about their experience with FinchSight®️:

  • “The Finch Brands team is brilliant, dedicated, creative, agile, and comfortable collaborating with stakeholders at every level of an organization. Should another branding project arise, I’d work with them again knowing we’d be in capable hands.” – Director, National Marketing & Brand Strategy.
  • “After many years of sourcing research from large to small firms, Finch Brands is my go-to. They are world-class in action and results. What I love the most is that they have the flexibility to shift as needed. When engaged in a project it is comforting to know that I am working with a team that is very knowledgeable and diverse.” – Sr. Director of Category Management, Market Research, and Consumer Insights.
  • “Our work with Finch Brands was invaluable for understanding our customer’s perception of our organization, and cutting new paths for positive brand growth.” – VP Marketing & Communications.

Next Generation Insights Communities

The Value: How Finch Brands’ Platform Can Deliver More Insights

By switching to our FinchSight®️ offering, you can enjoy a number of benefits that can enhance the value of your insights community for both your brand and your consumers. Some of the benefits that you can expect from Finch Brands’ offering are:

  • More engagement: You can increase the engagement level of your consumers by making insights community activities more fun and rewarding for them. You can also improve your stakeholders’ engagement by making insights more accessible and actionable for them.
  • More insights: You can gain more insights into your consumers by collecting more data and generating more analysis from your insights community activities. You can also gain more insights into your market by accessing more sources and types of data from other platforms and systems.
  • More impact: You can drive more impact from your insights by turning them into action and innovation for your brand. You can also drive more impact from your insights by sharing them with other stakeholders and influencing their decisions and actions.

By switching to FinchSight®️, you can not only improve the performance of your insights community, but also improve the performance of your brand. You can use your insights community to achieve your business goals and stay ahead of the competition in a fast-changing market.

The Transition: How to Switch Your Insights Platform in 3 Simple Steps

If you are ready to switch to Finch Brands’ FinchSight®️ offering and upgrade your insights community, you will be glad to know that the transition process is easy and smooth. You can make the switch in just 3 simple steps:

  • Sign up: Contact us today and let us know that you are interested in switching to our insights community offering, FinchSight®️. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible and discuss your needs and objectives for your insights community.
  • Transfer data: Once you sign up, we will help you transfer your existing data and consumers from your current insights community provider to our FinchSight offering. We will ensure that the data transfer is secure, accurate, and complete.
  • Launch: Once the data transfer is done, we will help you launch your new and improved insights community. We will provide you with all the training and support you need to use our offering effectively and efficiently.

That’s it! You can switch to Finch Brands’ FinchSight®️ in just 3 simple steps and start enjoying the benefits of our advanced market research platform right away. Download our Power of Switching PDF for additional information and reach out to us for your initial consultation!

Next Generation Insights Communities

About The Author: John Ferreira

John Ferreira is Finch Brands’ Chief Insights Officer. Prior to joining us, he spent a decade at Campbell Soup Company in a mix of consumer insights and brand management roles. John is an expert across the entire research stack, with passion for communities, new technologies/methodologies, and how to bring insights to life.

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