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Powering the Patient-Centered Healthcare Revolution: Matt Blosl, CRO – Experity

Matt Blosl, Chief Revenue Officer of Experity, joins us today. Two leading EMR providers, DocuTAP and Practice Velocity, came together to form Experity, an amazing company with a singular purpose to power the patient-centered healthcare revolution. Matt has spent his career building successful businesses and harnessing the energy of change to fuel growth. He’s always looking up and challenging the team to reach higher by aligning sales, marketing, and operations for the greater good. If you like our podcast, please subscribe!

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Bill: Greetings, one and all. This is Real-World Branding. I’m Bill Gullan, president of Finch Brands, a premier boutique brand consultancy. Thank you for joining us. Joining us by the wonders of technology, from Sioux Falls, South Dakota today is Matt Blosl, who’s the Chief Revenue Officer, the CRO, at Experity. He’s certainly going to talk about that in a minute, but Matt’s career has been fascinating, at least from my perspective. Engineering undergrad at Michigan, quickly moving through into classical management consulting at Accenture, and then big-time ad agency management at JWT in Chicago, and then into a string of really successful business development and general management roles, primarily at technology companies. He’ll talk about how his passion for helping businesses grow and his focus on revenue has really guided him as a professional.

Bill: Then, most recently, we got to know Matt in his role at what is now known as Experity. Experity was formed from the merger of the two leading EMR, and more, providers to the urgent care space, Practice Velocity, a Chicago-based firm, or Metro Chicago-based, and DocuTap, based in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Under the auspices of Warburg Pincus, the private equity giant, this merger took place. We were fortunate to have a front row seat to it, as well as to contribute in some small way to the vision and the name, and the look and feel of what Experity has become. It’s a fascinating story in an ever-changing industry that’s helping all of our lives hopefully shape and tilt towards the better. Enjoy the input of Matt Blosl.

Bill: It’s a steamy Friday. He’s in Sioux Falls, I’m in Philadelphia, but the wonders of technology have brought us together. Once again, we have Matt Blosl, who’s the chief revenue officer at Experity. How are you doing, man?

Matt: Great. How are you, Bill?

Bill: Outstanding. It’s always fun to speak with you, and I can’t wait for our listeners to hear a bit about your story. Why don’t we start there with, if you wouldn’t mind, take us through, I know you were an undergrad at Michigan, industrial and operations engineering as a major. Talk to us a little bit about your journey.

Matt: Yeah, it’s a little bit of a odd one. I can tell you, throughout my career, based on what I’ve done professionally, everybody assumes I went to business school, but actually-

Bill: Right, right.

Matt: Yeah, my start was industrial and operations engineering. I was a kid that always liked to build stuff, was fascinated by big things. I grew up in the state of Michigan, and so I was surrounded by the automotive industry. Big plants, big operations were something that really intrigued me from the beginning, and led me to the University of Michigan, industrial and operations engineering. That being said, I had the benefit of doing a couple of internships, one in the automotive industry, and then one actually with Intel Corporation, working on microprocessors.

Matt: Through those, I realized I did not want to be an engineer. I really gravitated towards the broader kind of business aspects of things, and so made the decision to go into management consulting out of undergrad, because I just thought it would allow me to see more quickly. It’s interesting, I found myself always in sales and marketing type of engagements as a strategy consultant, and that’s where I really fell in love with the revenue generating side of businesses, which is kind of interesting, because it’s the opposite of engineering, which is usually the product, “Let’s”-

Bill: The product side, right.

Matt: “Make the thing that we’re going to sell.” I really liked the other side of it. Spent a number of years consulting with clients in sales and marketing, and then made the decision at one point that I wanted to get beyond just the PowerPoint presentations and recommendations, and if I really wanted to do this, I ought to do it, and made a very odd switch and went into the advertising business and worked for one of the large advertising agencies on Madison Avenue, where I really got to see how marketing came to life, and ideas and brands came to life. It was really exciting to see that and to be the client, if you will, at that point, which, five years prior, I was just assisting the clients. It was a really great transition for me.

Bill: Excellent. A couple of those early experiences that I’d love to hear about, you were at Accenture from …

Matt: I got the entrepreneurial bug. That was around the time I had a lot of friends, former colleagues that were, whether it’s Silicon Valley or in other areas, getting into the entrepreneurial side of things. I had an opportunity to basically go run sales, which I was woefully unqualified to do at the time, for my first private equity backed company. Then, fast-forward five companies later, I’m now working at Experity with one of the world’s largest private equity firms, Warburg Pincus.

Matt: Through all of my venture and private equity backed company experiences, I’ve really always served in the same capacity. It may have taken some different forms, but I’m the one that figures out how to make money and grow the business. I’m heavily focused on everything customer facing, sales, marketing, client experience, account management. Those are the things that I’m really passionate about. Anyways, long-winded way of saying, it’s a far cry from an industrial engineer and assembly line optimization, or ergonomics.

Bill: It’s fascinating journey, Matt, one thing I wanted to ask you, I know you were at Accenture, you talked about your management consulting background. You were there from ’97 to ’02, and I know at least two things that were happening during that time. One was the rebranding of Anderson Consulting into Accenture, and the other was, obviously a tremendous amount of technological advancements that I would imagine was on the mind of all of your clients. What was it like in the management consulting business, and at that company specifically, in those heady days in the late ’90s?

Matt: Yeah. It’s interesting because, honestly, until this point I hadn’t really thought about connecting that to what I’m going through now with the merger of Experity, but it was interesting. It was fascinating to see the rebrand happen. It was one of those things where, even though I was relatively early in my career, I obviously worked with a lot of partners that had been there a long time. To see the internal challenges in rebranding, going from Anderson Consulting to Accenture, was pretty fascinating. Because, I think Finch always says, brands are built from the inside out. To see firsthand what that meant, going from really a firm, a consulting firm, to a publicly traded company, was a pretty massive leap. It was interesting to see that and to go through that rebrand. It was actually really exciting, obviously, on a massive scale.

Matt: Technology-wise, it was also a fascinating time to be there because, it’s funny to think about now, but it was really the first time we had our hands-on access to a lot of data. As Anderson Consulting, Accenture, we were typically involved in the system integration and ERP packages, and so I spent a lot of time working with sales and marketing organizations to figure out how to leverage the data that they had now, that historically was not available or difficult to get, or you weren’t able to get in real time. It was fun to work through the evolution of, in a little bit of a blinded capacity to, what does sales and marketing look like now when we have real good visibility into our business, our competitors, the market? It definitely wasn’t exciting in time to be in that industry.

Bill: Totally. Then, you talked about your experience at JWT, and then moving into various technology businesses and sales and marketing and general management roles. One that I’d love to hear a little bit more about also is this experience right before DocuTap, at Tongal, is it pronounced?

Matt: Yes.

Bill: Tell us about that business. First of all, anything that gets you to live in Santa Monica is pretty awesome, but it sounds like a really fascinating platform. Could you talk a little bit about that experience? You were there for almost five years.

Matt: Yeah. Certainly living Sioux Falls, South Dakota now, there are definitely days I missed 72 and sunny every day.

Bill: Yeah, right. Totally.

Matt: Yeah, it was an interesting business, especially coming off of just talking about JWT and my time on Madison Avenue. My partners and I had the view that, we wanted to really democratize the creative process. Our premise is that creativity can come from anywhere. It doesn’t have to come from big companies, big agencies, which obviously means big price tags. We worked to develop a crowdsource platform that gave brands access to a creative community that we built of filmmakers and production companies around the world, to create content, primarily video content. We were creating a lot of either original content for brands, like National Geographic, or marketing and advertising content for Procters and Gambles of the world, et cetera. It was a really exciting business.

Matt: We were essentially a marketplace, and it really opened my eyes to the whole creative process, and that it can really be unleashed within any business, let alone outside of the business, because there are creative people. It’s just a matter of figuring out how to bottle it, if you will.

Bill: Yeah, super cool. Fast-forwarding up towards today, at least, DocuTap. As noted, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, you joined in early ’17. What we’re talking about now as Experity is really the merger of two of the leading software companies that serve the urgent care marketplace, and for EMR and related products, Practice Velocity, which is based outside of Chicago, and DocuTap in Sioux falls. Talk a little bit about, I guess, the path to this merger. I know that DocuTap was in the Warburg portfolio initially. There’s obviously a ton of change and growth within urgent care and generally on-demand healthcare, but talk about this last little period that led up to what we now know as Experity.

Matt: Yeah, it’s been actually a long journey. Actually it goes a little bit in terms of Warburg Pincus in general. When they made the investment in DocuTap, the one thing about Warburg is, they are always thinking three, four steps ahead. The thought of this transaction, at least conceptually as an investment thesis, was thought of from the very beginning. Now, it took a lot of work to get there, because bringing the number one and number two entities in a vertical together is never easy, but the investment thesis was quite simple and clear, in that, there are a lot of VMRs servicing urgent care, but we were the two that were focused solely on the urgent care vertical. A lot of the other competitors that we would see are multi-specialty, so tend to, what we would say is, be all things to all people. Whereas when clients see our software, that being DocuTap or Practice Velocity, they’re like, “Wow, this was really developed or designed for my business.”

Matt: It was just natural that we should come together, because we spent so many resources competing against one another that, “Boy, what if we could take those resources and not compete, and pour that into innovation? Where could we really take this business? Where could we really take the vertical, and start to power on-demand healthcare, which is what we’ve set out to do?”

Matt: It’s exciting to get this transaction complete, and now be together as Experity. The decision to move to a new brand, to Experity from DocuTap and Practice Velocity, was a pretty easy one, almost as much for internal reasons as external. When you’ve got two companies that were shouting at each other across the trade show floor, trying to culturally have one, perceptually even, just fold into another, just really wouldn’t work. We used it as an opportunity to come up with a new brand, which is Experity. With our size now, in terms of market share in the marketplace, when we launch a new brand like that, it’s pretty easy for us to get everybody’s attention and bring them through the evolution that we just went through.

Bill: Right. To your point about the number one company in the space, and number 1B, I guess, or number two, with a legacy of pretty intense competition, definitely different cultures, different founders and CEOs, in terms of their personalities and their backgrounds. Dr. Stern, Dave Stern, who led Practice Velocity, is a doc, and comes from that sort of clinical perspective, whereas DocuTap was more of a classical software tech player, so it seemed at least from the outside, slash, inside. M and A always creates change, but was there something about this particular situation that led to a need to really tend to the culture, in ways that were perhaps even more pronounced?

Matt: Absolutely. You’ve kind of hit at it, in the sense that, these companies, let’s just say over time, got to roughly the same spot in terms of size, revenue, et cetera, but they couldn’t have got there in more different ways. Part of that goes to what you said, in terms of different founders, tech company versus kind of physician-developed company, but it goes further than that. DocuTap a was venture capital, private equity driven, so it was a high focus on growth, whereas Practice Velocity was much more intentional about growth, in terms of doing that in a way that didn’t necessarily require heavy investment capital. All of those elements of how the companies got to where they were create differences across the entire companies. It’s been interesting to kind of merge the cultures. I will say, when you really start to get down to it, we’re more alike than we thought we were different.

Bill: Right, that’s interesting.

Matt: Which is kind of funny. In the spreadsheet level or the PowerPoint presentation level, you’re like, “Wow, these are very different companies, and there are elements, but we’re two Midwest companies. We’ve got a lot of the same values. When you really get the people together and start to get to know each other first, and get to what a culture really is, which is about who we are, how we want to work, what we want to do, we’re actually very similar. We just manifest it in different ways. Now, we’re basically trying to take the best, in my mind, of what each culture was doing, in terms of how they manifested itself, and creating a new one, which is Experity. Because we have the opportunity here to really, what we say is, take one plus one equals 11.

Bill: Yeah, sure. Absolutely. You’ve been through a handful of these, but, so a merger like this, an integration like this, particularly in the tech space, not only is there just, how are we going to be structured and organized, there’s the people piece, there’s the product piece, there’s certainly the branding piece. What are some, and you were really in the middle of all of this, but some of the major topics within an integration? We know there’s culture, we know there’s brand, we know there’s product. How do you even begin to tackle something like that?

Matt: It’s a great question, because it’s overwhelming. The way I would describe it is, it’s as important figure out what you’re not going to do as what you’re going to do. Because when you lay it out and you look at an integration of companies, certainly the size, but I would even say, even half the size of our two entities, it’s still daunting. You have to figure out what is really going to move the needle and what’s important to do right out of the gates. For me, that’s focusing on two things equally, which is people and customers.

Matt: That’s where you need to focus, because you definitely get excited about innovation and wanting to go create the product of the future, and you should do that, you should start to lay the groundwork for doing that, but the most important thing that you need to do is make sure that the team is mobilized and able to remain productive as a combined entity, so that they can serve the customers, and that while you are going through a major change, your customers should feel like nothing happened, except that the sign outside the building changed. That’s tough. That’s very, very tough to do.

Matt: That’s the lens that, in the first 100 days, but frankly the first six months, which I look through, which is, how does this impact our people, and then how does this impact our customers? That’s where we spend the most of our time. Then the other stuff, it is still important, but it can come as you get further down the timeline. In reality, an integration like ours, you’re looking at a two-year timeframe before you’re really truly integrated across all levels.

Bill: Totally. Of course, one of the things that we all needed to work through, and to do it with some sort of speed and focus, understanding that the rest takes place over a period of years, it’s to get the name and get the brand part right. Reflecting a little bit on that process, why does Experity work from your perspective? Could you explain the aesthetic, the look and feel of the brand, and some of those key choices around purpose and values? Reflect a little bit, if you wouldn’t mind, on that process.

Matt: Yeah, it was a really interesting process. It was definitely the most formal rebranding process that I’ve been through. I’ve been through it with other entities, but frankly, we were earlier stage, and so we were probably a little more scrappy in how we did it, and did it a little bit more on gut feel rather than a methodical process, which was really necessitated with something like this, to really understand who we were and where we wanted to go. I’m really glad that we went through it in that way. I joke around that this was pretty easy, because both of our names were so terrible, that coming up with a new one was an easy sell internally and externally.

Matt: No, for us, it was starting with, “What is it that we want to do?” Again, you have two entities that were focused exclusively within urgent care. Then, I always expand the definition of urgent care, as you know, to on-demand health care, because there are other areas outside of urgent care that are becoming more on-demand and that’s where we want to play. I think for us, it was really coming to alignment on what it is that we wanted to do. I can tell you, I am shocked at how quickly we were able to come to a purpose statement and associated values around that, as, again, two companies that competed against each other.

Matt: We really want to power the patient-centered healthcare revolution. For us, it’s all about the patient, and so it’s about experiences. We really felt strongly that the patient and experience needed to be really a core part of our brand. What I saw, or the team saw, the options that Finch Brand presented to us, to see, experience, Experity, a play on experience, taking a little more positive tone to it with the I-T-Y, it felt great. It felt fun, it felt innovative, we could work with it, and it just had that experience in it. Then I always say, I can talk a couple of different ways on it, the other thing I like about it is that, we’re also the experts in urgent care. It kind of lends itself real well to the patient experience expertise. It just worked all around. It had a very positive vibe to it that I think everyone rallied around.

Matt: I can tell you, we looked at a lot of different options, and it was really clear that this one stood out at the top and everybody rallied around it. I love the mark treatment that you were able to come up with as well. I couldn’t be happier about where we ended up, and I think everyone in the organization feels the same way.

Bill: Well, that’s gratifying, but I certainly remember the process. As with many processes like this, you start with a small group that’s focused on the integration, and then you gradually include others. I do remember that meeting in the conference room in Chicago, where it seemed like that was the moment where some of the thinking around purpose, and certainly around naming, went from maybe a group of five or six, to a group of 70 or 80. In some ways, those are the moments where processes like this rise or don’t. Yeah, I’ll never forget it. It was quite a day.

Bill: I think to the point about on-demand healthcare, one of the things that was so palpable to us throughout this process was, the level of commitment and awareness and energy on the part of all involved, not just for a very particular vertical at a particular moment, the transactional side of selling software, but a feeling of leadership, or at least of stewardship, around changes that are revolutionary in healthcare, and the degree to which the company really wanted to both capture as well as be in the center of that moment, really seemed like it was animating everybody.

Matt: Yeah, because it’s really the future for us. We look at our core product, the electronic medical records and practice management system, as old news to a certain degree, but known as our core product.

Matt: We look at ourselves as being able to power that healthcare revolution, which really means enabling our clients to optimize the patient experience, and then obviously optimize the business opportunity for them along the way. For us, it’s looking at our clients and looking at all the things that they do, and we want them to focus on what they do best, which is treating patients. Anything that we can take off of their plate that is not a core competency, and frankly for the most part, not typically something they want to do, which is manage an electronic medical record system, handle billing, figuring out how to market to clients and get them into their clinics. Give that to us. That’s what we’re the experts in.

Matt: We get excited, almost too excited at times, as, what are the 10 ideas that are down the road, that we can work on? For us it’s, as long as they come back to that core of on-demand healthcare and helping power our clients, if it fits in that lens, it’s something we’re going to look hard at, and we’re going to work hard at it, especially if we think it can be disruptive, and either improve the patient experience or help our clients be more successful as businesses.

Bill: Yeah, absolutely. Funny reflections on naming, this, as well as many naming processes like this, go through many different iterations. I think Experity was the first one. It wasn’t the only one, goodness knows, but in terms of reflecting back on, sometimes it takes a process to elevate it.

Matt: Yeah. We went through a couple of rounds. I think this was the first one exposed to the group on the first round, first list.

Bill: Yeah, I think it was.

Matt: It was kind of funny.

Bill: It is funny.

Matt: We could have saved ourselves a few days and iterations, but I feel great about where we ended up.

Bill: Yeah. To your point, you talk about the sort various cultures of the two companies, as well as what is forged in what was a multi-year competition. I would imagine on the customer side, everybody that hired one or the other rejected the other one. There were probably some level of customer loyalty for one brand or another. You talked about your two standards, as to what’s working in a merger, as being people and customers. How has the market uptake been around, you guys have shows all the time, you’re always in the field pitching, what’s the word from the field?

Matt: It’s interesting, because even our current clients aren’t emotionally attached as we are to the companies. They look at it from more of a pragmatic business perspective, and everybody has been like, “That makes complete sense to us,” to the point where I was really excited, really, really close … Actually, at our big industry conference, David Stern and I were doing a Q and A session, and we had one of the larger clients in the industry stand up during the Q and A and not ask a question but actually commend DocuTap and Practice Velocity for coming together to push the vertical forward.

Bill: Wow.

Matt: Which I thought was really cool.

Bill: That’s powerful, yeah.

Matt: Because it summed up everything we were hoping that people were feeling. I think that sentiment has been further validated as we talk to customers and prospects along the way. I can tell you, we obviously went through an exercise of reaching out to all of our key clients ahead of time to a certain degree, to give them a peek into what was happening, and there was no one that offered resistance. They see why it makes sense from a investment perspective, and I think more importantly, selfishly they’re thinking, “Wow, I can only imagine if Warburg made the investment in DT, now they’re making the investment in both of these entities, they are pushing into the on-demand health care space.” Whereas others, some of our competitors, they’re pulling back.

Matt: If you’re a client of either historical entity, you should be pretty excited about where this company is going to go, because we are going to be able to innovate faster, I shouldn’t say “be able to,” we will innovate faster and do more than either one of us could have done as individual entities.

Bill: Absolutely. You talk about the multi-year process to get that done, to the degree that what you can share with us, and I know there’s a lot that’s happening probably that you can’t, but what should we look for from Experity as the future take shape?

Matt: I think the biggest thing … Obviously we have two large customer bases on two very successful platforms. Those platforms will live on in perpetuity, and we’ll continue to innovate on both platforms. That being said, I think you’re just going to see the rate of innovation increase much more than, like I said, we were doing as individual entities or could. We just have the resources and the expertise to do so now. I think the biggest impact will be just seeing that rate of innovation, and the other areas in which we help the on-demand health care space. That’s going to be the most visible, and it’s the most exciting, for not only the clients that get the benefit from it, but for the employees that get to work on the cool stuff and transform an industry. To me, that’s going to be the most visible result of this merger moving forward.

Bill: Terrific, terrific. That’s a good place, we’ve kept you longer than we than we promised, and we have our requisite number of tech challenges getting this thing produced. Last topic, your career path has been amazing and interesting, from really gold-plated names, coming of age with Accenture on the consulting side, with JWT on the advertising side, all that you’ve done thereafter. Any words of wisdom for those in our audience who might be inspired by what you’ve done? Are there any lessons from the road or words that you live by when you think about your own development and career journey?

Matt: My advice to people is very, very simple. Figure out what you love and what your passion is, and focus on that, and be steadfast in that. You will be rewarded for that, both intellectually and then physically. That’s what I’ve always done. I haven’t worried about the name on the building. I haven’t worried about where other people are going and what they’re doing. I fell in love with something and it was a niche, and it was growing businesses and scaling businesses. That’s been the filter on which I’ve made every decision.

Matt: The other thing I like to tell people, it’s not for everyone, but I’ve always found myself that, each career transition represents a fork in the road. I tend to pick the fork, the branch if you will, that has the most ambiguity, because that’s exciting to me.

Bill: Interesting.

Matt: To me, that’s how you grow, that’s how you learn, that’s how you advance. That’s how you end up adding value. For me, when I experience a fork in the road, I like the one that’s ambiguous, because you know what happens is, it usually leads to more forks in the road, down the road. I always find that as a way to really accelerate your career. If I was to summarize, figure out your passion, and be steadfast at learning and growing in it. Then, challenge yourself by putting yourself in the uncomfortable, ambiguous situations, because that’s where you’re going to grow the most.

Bill: That’s cool and very interesting. Do you want to give a shout-out to the benefit of a business development career as a gateway to general management? I would imagine, having a passion for sales and marketing, getting close to the customer, there’s a perspective that comes from that, isn’t there, that that puts you in pretty good stead no matter where you go, it would seem.

Matt: Absolutely, yeah. People always ask me, “If you were to go back in your career, would you do something different?” I would say, absolutely not. Going all the way back to my engineering degree, I think it provided an amazing foundation for what I do today. Like I said earlier, I’m not focused on the specifics of industrial engineering, but what engineering taught me was problem solving, and having a inquisitive mind to go figure out how to solve problems in a quantitative and qualitative way. That led me into sales, which is basically what I do, but now I do it on behalf of my clients. I work with them to not sell, but to figure out how to identify what their problems or opportunities are, and wrap the solutions that I have in my pocket around what they can do.

Matt: All of that, at the end of the day, comes in the same vein of really just identifying what the problem is and finding solutions. I love that I chose the sales and marketing path, and to your point, putting myself in a situation where I was always in front of the customer, in front of very senior level customers, very early in my career, and being associated with the revenue generating side of a business, because if you’re in that role, you have to understand how all the other functions of the business work. I do think, to your point, that’s positioned me to be able to move into executive leadership roles in companies, because I was on the front lines and I had to generate the revenue, help clients solve the problems. To do that, I needed a pretty good view of the market, as well as everything inside the company. It was a forced way to learn that. It’s been great.

Matt: People ask me all the time, they assume I went and got my MBA. I thought about it no less than 100 times. I chose not to do it. I chose to get my MBA on the job. I feel like I’ve done that. Look at where I am right now, and there’s an assumption that that’s something I did along the way, and I did. I just did it in the fields versus the classroom.

Bill: Yeah. Well, totally. I think that the guys and gals, people around our age, we were probably well-timed maybe to do that, in a way that might not be the case today. I know that many of my contemporaries who got their MBA were in industries or taking directions where they were capped out, or they wanted to switch or they wanted to pivot. The MBA became a part of career development, I think in some ways, after when we came of age. Yeah, I thought about it a bunch of times too and did the same thing.

Bill: To your point about sales, though, and just about that experience, I like the way you framed it. Many folks of course are very reluctant when it comes to what is classified as selling. The association may be, it’s the person who calls at dinner time, or the person who’s trying to persuade people something they don’t want to do, but it really is, and if you can frame it as really just helping people solve problems, why would you deprive them of the right answer, or a way to progress? Or the relief that comes with that, or the growth or the success, that comes with solving some of their most vexing and difficult problems? Why would we deprive them of that? I think if we can reframe that a little bit, even folks who don’t view their personalities as ideal for sales might find a little bit more appreciation for it, and a little bit more light for it within themselves.

Matt: Yeah. It’s funny you say that. I spent my career building sales teams, and I’ve always found, a lot of the best salespeople are ones that say they’re not salespeople. It goes to what you said, is that there’s a certain degree of a potential stigma, if you want to call it that, associated with selling. It’s really just having an inquisitive mind to be able to help the client solve problems, and appreciate the fact that, even if they don’t at the time, they benefit tremendously from hearing your outside perspective. It’s the same reason why we use consultants. It’s not that they’re any smarter than us, or they know our business any better than us. It’s the fact that they’re not in the day-to-day. They can pop their head up, take a little bit of a more global look at things, and I think I see the same thing as the advantage of sales. It’s going in, listening, understanding their business, and then just providing a perspective that is outside of what their day-to-day is, that they know, they just often can’t see because they’re so focused on the whirlwind of the day-to-day. That’s really what sales is about.

Bill: No doubt. We’ve taken more of your time than we said we would, but this is a great place to leave it. Matt, thank you for your partnership and friendship, and your time and insight today. It’s been quite a journey. Can’t wait to see what Experity becomes. It’s already a pretty amazing and impressive thing, and having gotten to know your colleagues a little bit, what a dream team of people, and definitely going to continue to take the market by storm.

Matt: Yeah, it’s exciting. We’re going to go good places, and I’m sure I’m going to need your help further along the way. Look forward to doing it.

Bill: We’ll be here.

Matt: Thank you for the opportunity to do this with you.

Bill: Thanks to Matt for his insight today and his partnership along the way in the formation of Experity. He’s a professional truly, sales lead, marketing lead, responsible for revenue, helping to grow businesses. It’s clear how passionate he is about that, and we’re grateful to have met him and had a chance to work with Matt. What Experity becomes I think will be fascinating, and Matt obviously will be helping to lead the way there.

Bill: As always, three ways to support us. I try to mix up the order just to keep this interesting, although I’m not sure anybody listens to this point, but if you are so compelled, we’d love if you would rate and review us in the podcast store of your choice. We are told that it helps our content become visible to those who would enjoy it. Again, since we’re back on our every other week schedule here, there’s a lot that’s coming and a lot that has come that we are proud of. We’d love for as many people as possible to have access to that, and your rating and your reviewing will help make sure that’s the case.

Bill: In addition, if you don’t want to miss any one of these, and you can’t necessarily rely on yourself with all that’s going on to remember to check whether there’s anything new, that problem can be solved very simply by clicking “subscribe” in that podcast app of your choice, to make sure that when you open it, it will download automatically if there is new content from us and from some of the other things you listen to. That’s the best way to make sure that you hear it every single time. We’d appreciate it if you’d do that.

Bill: Then, the third is, again if you’re so compelled, we really do enjoy dialogue about what we’re doing here, whether that’s ideas for future guests or future topics, feedback on some of the work we’ve done. We have thick skin, as we’ve said, and it’s true over here. We’d love to hear from our listeners to understand what you’re enjoying and what you’d like to hear more of or less of along the way, be valuable, as well as, as fun as it is for us to produce. That’s it. We will sign off from the Cradle of Liberty.

About The Author: Bill Gullan

Bill Gullan is the President of Finch Brands. His nearly 30-year (ugh!) career in branding has revolved around naming, messaging, M&A brand integration, and qualitative research. He has been with Finch Brands since 2001.

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